Wednesday 27 November 2013

Check and Balance

There’s a certain melancholia in my heart tonight. 

A certain mistrust. 

Ah, the feeling of opening up your heart again, only to have it treated so carelessly, as if the other person had no idea how razor sharp the pain of indifference is. The feeling of having your heart treated carelessly, with a disregard born of ignorance. 

How awful the creeping of doubts into your mind, the silent whisper of what-if’s and what-will-be’s. The poison of your own insecurities that threaten to overwhelm actual issues that could be solved with open communication. 

Calm down, dear heart. 

Let us look at the stars instead. 

Doubts will always be constant, but do not let them overpower your heart. 

It is essential to keep an open mind, lest the pillars of trust crumble to unfounded doubts.

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