Sunday 13 May 2007

Two Sides

He sits there in silence. He needs not say a word, for his feelings are written all over his face. Disapproval.

The silence stretches between them. Dead silence. Neither speaks, each thinking their own thoughts.

She watches him, almost expecting him to say something.

It is always the same issue. It is always the same argument and she is sick and tired of it.

No matter what she says, no matter what they agree on, it seems the next time around he still reacts the same way again. It is a repetitive cycle, a difference of opinions so different that it seems they can never reconcile, and she feels sick of making him try to understand. Her explanations always fall on empty ears, until the tears come and he softens, and listens, and then they both fall asleep in silence.

And the next time she waits in anticipation, hoping her words made a difference, hoping his attitude will soften but it is always the same.

Always the quiet disapproval, the pointed coldness throughout the day, the extra roughness around the edges.

And always every time, she feels like she is the one at fault and that no matter what she says, it makes no difference.

She needs her freedom, but her heart breaks a little more every single time it happens and she can feel the chinks in her armour weaken. She can feel herself pushing him away mentally every single time, and each time, the anger and hurt grow a little more, and she wonders if a day will come when she will push him away and will never come back.

It is always the same.

He watches her, feeling his heart break a little more every time she leaves.

It is the always the same issue. It is always the same argument but he cannot help it.

No matter what she says, no matter what the agree on, it seems the next time he cannot help feeling the resentment, the anger, and he cannot look her in the eye. It is a repetitive cycle, a difference of opinions so different it seems that they can never reconcile, and he feels the pain of trying to make her understand that he cannot help his feelings. His explanations are always met with resistance, until her tears come and he softens and listens, and then they both fall asleep in silence.

And the next time he steels himself, but the familiar feelings bubble to the surface, and he wishes that she does not have to do the things she does.

Always the need for her freedom, her seemingly unsatiable desire to cling to past times, her reluctance to move on.

He needs her understanding, and for her to grow, but his heart breaks a little more everytime she leaves, and he can feel the walls in his heart grow a little taller. He can feel himself growing colder every single time, and each time, the anger and hurt grow a little more and he wonders if a day will come when he will push her away and never come back.

It is always the same.


  1. Friction between a father and her daughter?
    Trust and honesty in every relationship. With those elements, there'll be freedom in doing one wishes to do.

  2. i think itz AMAZING you can look at things from both sides :)
    i always find that hard, i always tend to see things ONLY from my side, wanting to prove myself right all the time.

    urm...i may not know exactly what this post is truly about. but i think i can relate a little. itz always difficult to make sacrifices in relationships sometimes, esp when it involves us having to move on from what we're used to in past times. I find it difficult at times. but i guess we hav to face d fact that every single choice we make will involve the letting go of another choice. life is full of sacrifices eh.

    okayyy, wat i said MIGHT be out of topic kut, hehehe but yeaaaa, juz my 2cents. cheeeerz aidaaa =D

  3. to be honest, i was kinda scared when i read this. i have tendencies to relate posts to a blogger's real life. well, i hope its just a post though! :P

    and as always, it's awesome.

  4. OpPoSiTe AtTRaCtS. lOvE iS a WoRk In PrOgReSs ThAt ReQuIrEs CoNsTAnT ToLeRAnCe. LiFe AfTeR aLl Is A bLEsSInG.pHeWs!

  5. we are all different, and yet we are the same .

  6. love is about sacrifice. he must be able to give and take and not keep you in a chokehold forever. you are an individual and you still deserve your rights to do whatever it is you need to make you happy as long as it doesnt jeapordize your r'ship.

    demm girl. if someone tries to control me that way i'll kill 'em. but thats just me lah. lol.

  7. it's all about tolerance i guess. always know that sacrifices need to be made & some things we juz have to let go.

    but it's a 2 way street. both parties have to sacrifice something to be fair. :)

  8. hey i missed going here.the entry send shivers to my spine[for some reason of course!]

  9. AnGsT iS gOod. SiLeNcE iS sUiCiDAl.
    AfTer AlL wE aRe OnlY hUMaN.

  10. I love how you lay out the situation for the benefit of two people because in life, that's how it is. There's always another side to a certain story. Especially in a relationship. And to have a better/stronger bond between two people, this is what it should be done, to take into consideration of another person's point of view.

    At least that way, a lot of issues can be resolved in a better/matured manner. Balance may be hard to belief but I think it's still possible.

    Kudos for coming up something like this in your entry. :)
