Saturday 4 September 2004

Bitch Not, Want Not

Well. The Jungle Smoko had to be one of the biggest and best smokos I've been to. I swear, they keep getting better and better. Or perhaps it was just me relieved that my assignments and tests were temporarily over, having finished them and passed them up. A temporary reprieve, but a reprieve, nonetheless. I think this time round, the pictures say it all. The parties just don't stop.

Drunkenness seems to bring out people's true colours. I heard and saw things that I wouldn't have expected to see otherwise. It didn't bother me much, until the afterparties started. The going back to a friend's room to hang out... That's where it all came out.

The bitching. The truth.

People's characters were torn to shreds, comments about people I thought they considered friends, the little annoyances and true feelings about people's characters. Perhaps the alcohol might have affected their judgement, but it definitely didn't affect their vocabulary. The words they chose to use shocked me at times, if only for the sheer vehemence of it all. At times, the dislike. I saw, firsthand, a glimpse of what it was to be on the inside of the people bitching.

In all fairness, the general comments were true about the people who were being discussed. They weren't saying anything that hadn't been said before. The characteristics of the individuals were no secrets, we all knew our pet peeves towards those individuals in our group, myself included. They had never made no secret about the way they felt towards certain attitudes.

The slut. The strange, socially inept one. The in-your-face tag-along. Characteristics that weren't exactly great. Still, I felt as so-called friends we should talk to them about it, rather than freeze them out at times. It was one thing to be annoyed at people for certain behaviours. It's another to despise them for it.

It was the tone, that made it all too serious. The fact that they so easily froze out someone they considered a friend, in a less inebriated state. She sat there on the floor, sensing that something was wrong, and I could only smile half-heartedly at her, realising I shared their disdain for her behaviour, but also accepting her faults, and truly liking her as a friend. I couldn't bring myself in to join in the bitching, instead spending part of the night defending people's reputations and reminding them of their own objectivity.

I can see how easily it would be to hurt someone in an inebriated state, no matter if it was intentional, or not. Sometimes I wonder what they would have said about me had I not been there, although I'm confident enough in my personality and my relationships to know that they wouldn't have been too negative. The night was a revelation to me.

Call me naive. But I've yet to meet someone I hated.

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