Wednesday 19 March 2008

A Moment of Self Deprecation

Tread the pain, day by day,
Smile false smiles and walk away,
Time will heal and erase the pain,
Soften the memories, let them wane,
But time is no essence for the impatient,
Those souls forever seeking absolvement,
Please heal, please mend, please make it okay,
Please do it now, please do it today.

The world is spinning and I cannot tell
The difference between what’s false and what’s real,
How much is the truth and how much is a lie,
How much is confusion, how much’s gone awry,
Friendships become distant, we all grow apart,
Family is question, those poor bleeding hearts,
And I slowly splinter in pieces and bits,
Those near me suffer the cuts as they hit.

But after all that ranting, the lines of woe,
I realize that I’m just being emo.


  1. may i refer u to this

  2. huhu... i wonder why being emo is so negative in the eyes of the public. not that i am defending emo-kind or whatever, but just curious..

    is it because they're too willing to show of their vulnerability when people (or more like, adults) should be as unsee-through as possible? >_o

  3. we all express our emo sides in different ways. i used to do it in poems, not i do it my pictures. i find it necessary to blow off the steam, or else it'll creep into my own persona. and yes, i am happy actually in real life.

  4. rite on, the banker. some time to the brain. some time to the heart. makes u human. i read this book 'Good and Mad', sometime its enuf to blow of the steam just by saying 'i'm mad at you' in a nice way. like u mean it. or else people might say ur not making any sense (smiling and mad at me? wut was that?). or any form of expression.

  5. there u go. endless precious words of wisdom and advice in support for each of your steps, or exactly post entries, in going through these difficult times. and plus there're many other avid readers whom just silently wishing u well.

    u will always have friends who care. believe in that and strength will continuously come and fuel your everyday life.

  6. Kesian betul. Nak buek camne, manusia merancang ALLAH yg tentukn. Sbb tulah, kalau tgh syok bercinta, jgn lupa diri, berpijaklah dibumi yg nyata.Bukan selalu kita di atas, kadang2 turun ke bawah. INGATLAH kita ni orang Melayu yg beragama ISLAM. Kesian kat makpak yang dok percaya sgt anak-anak tp akhirnya melukakan dan memalukan. Bagaimana tinggi ilmu di dada biarlah selaras dgn budi pekerti yang mulia dan terpuji. Apalagi awak tu perempuan. Kesianlah pd makpak awak tu. Bersyukurlah Allah beri awak kepandaian tapi jgn lupa diri. Sejahat2 lelaki dlm dunia ni, nak cari isteri dia akan cari perempuan yang baik.

  7. Jgn terasa hati. Itu nasihat je. Kalau rasa boleh terima baguslah. Allah akan menduga banyak lg. Kalau kita taktahu bertkasih pd Allah, Allah akan tarik satu persatu nikmat hidup kita. Samada kita sedar atau tidak, atau memang sengaja tak nak sedar. Awak adalah contoh pd adik-adik, berikan yang terbaik. Jgn cepat merasa diri hebat, rasa bangga tak bertempat. Cari ketenangan? Utk hilangkan rasa duka di hati? Hanya dengan ALLAH, awak akan jumpa segala yang awak cari.

  8. Kawan-kawan memang ramai, yang sudi tumpang rasa sedih. Tp yang menanggung dan mengerti kedukaan awak adalah diri awak sendiri. Carilah kawan yang boleh membantu awak mencari ketenangan dan kebahagiaan abadi. Setakat kawan2 nak enjoy kat parti2 tu, lupakanlah. Insaflah aida.

  9. Cik Aida,
    Sy dpt rasakan awak seorang yg cekal dan tabah. Saya harapkan awak akan temui kebahagiaan secepat mungkin utk melenyapkan kesedihan yg awak rasai. Dlm diri awak, ada byk perkara yang istimewa, yg mungkin belum awak ketahui. Semoga awak dpt pengganti yg jauh lebih baik. Teruskan berdoa dan Allah akan berikan yang terbaik utk awak. Cuma, dlm buat apa2 keputusan, jgn pentingkan diri sendiri, ingatlah pada keluarga. Banyakkan berzikir, di mana sahaja dan dekatkan diri pd Allah. Awak tentu dpt rasakan keindahan dan kesyahduanNya. Insya'Allah akan temui kebahagiaan yg awak cari bersama orang-orang yang dikasihi.

  10. time will heal, as long as you are busy
    because great things dont come easy
    and vent it out all, you will feel breezy
    dear, life is not end yet, its lovely.

    dua tiga kambing biri biri
    mana nak sama si kuda belang
    dua tiga boleh kucari
    kerana saya si hidung belang

  11. ArEn'T wE aLl ? WiTh AgE cOmEs WiSdOm HoPeFuLlY . BeInG eMo WaSn't ThAt BaD lAh AiDa *wInK*

  12. many many hugz from here :)

    hang in there, girl..

    lotsa love ^_^

  13. There are days when analyzing what you feel is taking one more step to getting better.

    As long as being emotional means it makes you realize and able to be better, I think it's a valid emotion altogether.

    It's confusing for now..and by going through it, you'll get to recognize one more thing that is either good or bad.

  14. The reason i stalk this blog is,
    (i) regardless of what emotion Aida feels, it's always written in a splendid manner. It's like reading a story book. The life story of somebody.

    Emo.. Its fun being emo.. The one time u know nobody else knows how u feel.. It's tragically fulfilling.

    Hope everything is good...

    Stay safe..

  15. Well, for me writing blog is always emo! emo sedih or emo happy or emo takut :D

    And I am, a transparent person. Just know where to look XP
