Wednesday 7 March 2007


This is a post about my family away from home. I do not encourage people to read this, it is merely for me to thank my lucky stars. A reminder of sorts, an appreciation for the people that surround me, and for those who do not know the names that I write, perhaps you would be better off spending time elsewhere.

I just felt like writing this.

Welcome to Astorial.

Let's start with 303.

About Nadiah, who is full of wit and sarcasm, and when put together with Amir, has a habit of adding on to already lame jokes. When she laughs, her whole face lights up and I cannot help but be struck at how suddenly attractive she is. Few things make as much of a difference as someone who knows how to laugh. She has the strength of character to be honest, and I think that is one of the things I like best about her. Not many people can tell their friends about their flaws.

Ruth is incredibly nice. I am always reminded that doing small things for others can make a difference. She loves jumping. It is a strange thing to say, I know, but it is one of the things that always bring a smile to my face when I think of her.

Akmal is one of the strongest women I know. I admire her for her willingness to learn, for her no-nonsense attitude, for her openness. I learnt a lot from her, albeit quietly, while she became one of the most prominent Malaysian student leaders in Melbourne. Her politics are something else. Akmal is interesting, a mix of reservedness and effusive warmth. No one can deny how friendly she is, how welcome she makes you feel, but sometimes I think that she is a lot more reserved than you would expect, especially in recent years.

Iyra and Azreen, because they were incredible fun. I think I can easily write a whole page on these two amazing women, just because of the impact they made on my life. Suffice to say that my Melbourne experience would have never been the same without them. Two women who I were friends with in the past, but never as close as we were living in the same house, and every day I thank God that I had the opportunity to have them in my life.

Move up an apartment block.

The 403 boys, who seem to bring out most of my maternal instincts.

Erol is very random. Sometimes he reminds me of a jerky puppet, especially in those random spurts of action which leave me puzzled and amused. The 'stairs', the 'burung', internal jokes that only we would know I suppose. He can be very serious, and half the time I'm never sure if he's joking or not. However, his charm lies in his randomness, in his humour, in that slightly disoriented feeling I get when I'm with him. Erol is a person who is easily liked, without me knowing what exactly it is about him that I like so much.

Iz very much looks like the baby of the bunch, with his small frame, and his boyish face, and the constant blinking. He is always the one I will associate with DOTA, and games, and the perpetual 'I-just-woke-up' state. He seems quiet, but is actually a lot noisier than I expected him to be. He also seems like a bit of a goofball, but I think he is a lot more serious and deep-thinking than people give him credit for. Perhaps the contradictions in his nature make him, well, him.

Anas is nuts. He's like a hyperactive child. Then again, he's funny, and when you catch him in a serious moment, he's actually rather endearing.

For a long time I didn't know what to say to Din. He's so quiet it was almost intimidating to talk to him. All I knew that I instinctively liked him. It's when he laughs. Din has a distinctive way of laughing, a short pause followed by a burst of unrestrained laughter that's just so easy to laugh with. Din's almost like the master planner when it comes to trips, like the quiet organizer in the background. If Din wasn't around, all our trips probably wouldn't be as smooth as they are.

I don't think I've ever met anyone like Eby. Mr. Mat Rock, I guess. When Eby laughs, you can hear it a mile away. It's great how loud and brash he can be. Then again, Eby is the same person, who is so thoughtful and so romantic at times that I can't believe he's a Malaysian male.

Phreax is almost like a brother. Probably the most serious and reliable of the lot. Probably my favourite of the lot. I think Phreax will try almost anything once, and I also think he will give his best for all things he is involved in. I think he reminds me of my cousin a lot, with his easy manner, the casual jokes, the natural quiet demeanor.


Ben is the type of person who will ask and ask until you have something to back up your answer, only because he truly wants to know. The quest of knowledge. If that's not to be admired, I don't know what is.

Chap is full of 'lawak sengal', and he never runs out of material. I don't know how he does it. Chap is oh-so likeable though. One thing he possesses in abundance is charisma, and that's a case of either you've got it or you don't. I think Chap will overachieve one day. That's what I think. For some reason I keep thinking of those pictures in history books, of past leaders caught in midpose. Perhaps it's his features, the classical Malay features that remind me so much of the past.

Min is the invisible boy.

And Amir is my heart.

501 wasn't home until this year, but the girls will always be that little important role in my life.

Aimi is quieter, but she has an easy grace that becomes her. I keep thinking of the word natural.

Asiah is funny. She makes me laugh, and I don't know why. She's very humble, and I am constantly reminded that one does not need much to fall from grace, and it is good that I am reminded of it. I think it is very easy to strike up a conversation with her, and for her to be refreshingly honest about her opinions.

Aca is the youngest, perhaps, but she also acts like the youngest. I think that she may never grow up, that she will always be that wonderful, loud, happy, carefree Aca that will pout and be teased mercilessly and be the baby of the bunch. The girl is a wonderful cook, and underneath all her gruffness, she has a heart of gold and is always making something or other in the kitchen.

Sarah can be very excitable. She loves bright and colourful colours and is one of the most enthusiastic people I’ve ever met in my life. I don’t know if anyone else is quite like her. And I mean that in the best way possible.

And then there's Aji, who's very talkative, reminds me a lot of Azreen and is addicted to EBay. Aji is such a warm, warm person that she is instantly likeable. The girl is a blast to hang around with, a great listener, and who will always look out for her friends. She’s special.

For everyone who actually read this, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

And thank god for Astorial.


  1. I am missing Astorial already :)

  2. Aida makes, keeps and loves her friends with a passion. Only she has that unbelievable way of looking past all your flaws, seeing the specks of good in you, and revelling in a dance of friendship she creates with each person she meets. Thank you, Aida. I thank God for you too!

  3. me too me young...horeyyyy!!!!i luv aida too:D

  4. yo bro, rileks pertama kompleks ok! apsal i intimidating plak? hahahahaha!! aida is our mama rempit! :p

  5. whatever makes u happy mummy (bro =p)


  6. and how a member of a family can easily be erased in a matter of a month.

    that's part of astorial family too.

  7. hey.. thanks. I got it already and I'm grateful enough :)

  8. ::Ace Krusher:: says:
    Linda Harrison, Planet of the Apes

    Linda Harrison says:
    you're a super nice caring person who goes out of her way to help her friends and friendships are a priority to you
    *and you're health conscious with an addition for sambal ikan bilis kering and chocolates though not at the same time
    *its addiction
    not addition

  9. aida IS the mother to the astorial-ian boys. LOL

  10. hey Aida, lame tak jenguk ur blog and baru tau u've moved to blogspot...hope to read more of ur 'ramblings'

  11. sO sWeEt. To BaD mY fAmIlY iS tOo sMaLl AnD dYsFunCtIonAl. NoT wOrTh To ShOuT aBoUt As We ArE pOLiTiCaLlY cOrRECT aBoUt EvERyThInG moSt Of TiMe..YeA ThEre Is SuCh FaMilY iN tHIs WoRlD....

  12. I agree with Ruth :) hugs!
