Wednesday 24 January 2018

The First Exam

It's been years since I've taken an exam that matters.

I had been complacent in my career for years, not willing to attempt the next step towards progression - perhaps in some ways because I had enough turbulence in my personal life that I was not willing to rock the boat any further. I was content in the way things were in my daily life, with my friends and activities, and perhaps, I was reluctant to make the sacrifices to change the status quo.

The thought of change can be one of the biggest barriers to oneself, and yet it's something so essential. 

I always wanted to embrace life, to challenge myself, and yet I held back with the same efforts with my professional life.

The exam itself wasn't a turning point.

It was an attempt to move forward, a progression that I had waited many years to even attempt. A leap over that stumbling block inside my head, one that told me that I would not be able to cope, that there were others who were more qualified.

As I attempted the answers, I realized how uncertain I was, and how little I knew - and it did not seem right to me that I should be content with my state of hesitancy. It was not fair to me, and it was not fair to the patients that I see on a daily basis, and whatever the outcome, it was a reminder that I should continue to better myself.

I was surprised I made it through the exam, one out the twenty plus odd candidates out of the seventy who sat for the exam, many who I felt were more knowledgeable than I.

I did not make it through the interview, but it was okay.

The attempt at the exam was a start.

Now to keep the momentum going!

1 comment:

  1. The professional life sure is another kind of progression that is a lot more discreet and kept away from discussion with colleagues. At work, people don't talk about this like they don't talk about how much money they have or how much more they wanna get :)

    Peeps like you, doc, might do a soul searching for reasons to move forward. While most others just need greed. But it is a universal aim for each working person to achieve efficiency as the reward for such achievement at work is content and happiness. Whatever number on the payslip.
