Sunday 31 December 2017

New Year Eve 2017

As we sat and watched the fireworks light up the sky for the sake of company, and the cheer of welcoming a new year, I reflected on how fast the previous year had gone by and how many things had happened.

In all the ups and downs, there was no way to tell how the following year would become - but as always, we go into a new year with hope - hope of new beginnings and the possibility of wonderful things, of continued improvement and of things that may come.

Amidst the crowd sitting on top of Zeara's apartment building, we all ooh and aah as we watch the beautiful display of fireworks, somewhat blocked by the Twin Towers of KL's skyline.

In moments like this, I count my blessings of the past year, and reflect on how much I have to be thankful for. Ringing in the New Year with love and laughter, reflecting on the good things that have happened this past year and wishing for wonderful things for the year ahead.

Here's to 2018! 

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