Wednesday 28 September 2016

Why Do I Bother Being A Doctor?

Being a doctor can be tiring. 

There are moments on the job where I wonder if it is a path where I truly should be on, in those selfish moments of fatigue or uncertainty, in those harried moments of a patient’s life slipping through as we frantically try to bring him back, in those quiet moments where I doubt my capabilities. 

There are moments where work seems non-stop, where we seem to be fighting a losing battle against the collective ignorance of a community. 

There are moments where I don’t know enough, or I don’t know at all. 

At times like this, it really is important to sit back and evaluate what I’ve decided to do, and search deep within myself to ask why I continue to do what I do – in a job that is sometimes thankless, definitely underpaid and ever so often, feels like a losing fight. 

Why do I bother?

I bother for you, the father who told me how life was never the same after his heart attack, and how he wished he had taken better care of his health in the past. 

I bother for you, that little old lady who was ever so thankful at the advice I gave for her diabetes and her sugar control, and her appreciation at being advised holistically. 

I bother for you, the student who managed to quit smoking after attending a quit smoking program – a hard won battle where many others have failed. 

I bother for you, the young boy who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident, and found the strength to proceed with a leg amputation and learned to walk again. 

 I bother for you, the harried mother who thanked me at being able to give her sick child some relief, even though I felt it wasn’t much relief at all. 

There are many instances that I remember making me smile, making this job a little less thankless, and that keeps me grounded as to the blessing of health that I have, and the opportunity I have to help others. Sometimes it’s in the rare instances that twinge at your heartstrings and reminds me that this job is truly a privilege, and one that I need to perform to the best of my abilities. 

We all have to find our reasons. It is only when we truly understand what we do that we can find the strength to continue, wherever in life we may be, or whatever we're doing.

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