Monday 18 November 2013

Ode to Joy

I love classical music and this really blew me away.

Organized by the Bank of Sabadell as a homage to their city on the bank's 130th anniversary, this epic flashmob was organized with participation by the Valles Symphony Orchestra, the Lieder, Amics de l'Opera and Coral Belles Art Choir.

There's something so uplifting and inspiring about music sometimes, and to able to sit in the streets and listen to such a stunning rendition of Beethoven's Ode to Joy would have been absolutely divine! I was wondering how everyone seemed to know the words, and as it turns out, this musical setting of the Ninth Symphony was preceded by the German poem Ode an die Freude, and the hymn was later adopted as the hymn of the Anthem of Europe and subsequently the European Union.

Bet the little kid in the video would have had a great surprise!


  1. This composition is one of my all time favorites. What an uplifting performance!

  2. It was awesome, wasn't it? :D
