Sunday 26 June 2005

I Like and I Love

She is tougher than she looks. The happy, flirty exterior hides a woman who has gone through her own personal hell. Betrayal by friends and having to prove herself. She and I are knitted together by a matrix of experiences of life, and everytime I think that I can no longer learn from her, I am proven wrong and humbled by my arrogShe is tougher than she looks. The happy, flirty exterior hides a woman who has gone through her own personal hell. Betrayal by friends and having to prove herself. She and I are knitted together by a matrix of experiences of life, and everytime I think that I can no longer learn from her, I am proven wrong and humbled by my arrogance.

He smiles and my heart melts. Not in a bad way. I enjoy the intimacy we share, the intimacy only reflected in our eyes, reflected through the honesty of our easy conversations, knowing he will be there when I need him. He taught me about love. He taught me about letting go.

Her gentleness and subtlety remind me of my spiritual paths. The inner peace that I see within her has become stronger with time, and our friendship is one of acceptance. As far apart as we are, each meeting is as if we had never spent time apart, and the realisation that we are becoming young women. Emerging from our coccoons, a far cry from the naive girls we were.

I laugh with him. Laugh like I can forget the world, and his obvious enjoyment fuels my own. The innocence of friendship and laughter, and knowing that we will be able to lean on each other in this rollercoaster of life. Knowing that there will always be place for me despite the differences between us.

She is the one of the few I can let down all barriers with. Both fuelled on by each other's company, be it comfortable silence or the manic laughing fits. Growing up together, growing apart yet closer at the same time. Finishing each other's sentences. Late night drives. Crazy ideas. My counterpart and ally.

He will always bring heartbreak to mind, and at the same time, a friendship forged out of the embers of that mutual resolution. A strange friendship, a strange bond, knowing I am one of the few that makes him react like that, a strange comfort with each other despite the distance that separates us.

She reminds me of all that is good and sweet in this world. Her warmth, her love, her capacity to trust. The type of person that life has a habit out of eating alive. She makes me want to protect her fragile heart, to let her live her goodness without becoming hardened like the rest of the world.

He carries within him such pain, pain I can never begin to comprehend. Yet, underneath the tough exterior, every so often I feel him soften, and I wish I could help him heal the scars. With affection there is also pain, for by opening myself to him, I share the pain he speaks of.

They become part of me, and I carry part of them with me. The joys, the sadness, the lessons I have learnt and the ones they have learnt from me, each individual and many more touching me in ways so subtle and uncomprehensible, it will never be known to what extent I have changed due to the course of the people I have met.

Some are associated with life's lessons. Some with the seven deadly sins, and what I must never succumb to. Some with matters of the heart, and the realisation that the intensity of emotion always grows with time. Some with hope and pride and aspirations. Some with the philosopher, the lover, the fighter, the healer, the innocent, the darkness, the good, the evil, the fallen, the hopeful and everything in the world that exists within humanity, and all I carry within.

And I wouldn't change a single thing.

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