Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Turning Cynical

What I fear most about work is that it will drain me of the desire to dream.

Not the dreams of aim and amibition, but those non-sensical dreams of faraway places that don't exist anywhere in your head, those dreams of beauty and fantasy, those dreams that are so often accused of having no role in the world we live in today.

I fear losing my sense of free-spiritedness, and my ability to submerge myself in the alternate reality of the recesses of my mind.

It is a cynical world we live in, they tell me, and I fear I am starting to believe them.

They tell me not to smile to strangers, because it is dangerous to attract the attention of strangers and I could be robbed. I smile anyway, because I never know when a smile will make a difference in someone's day.

They tell me not to be friendly to men, because men are only after one thing. I wonder if it is so wrong to care for people, regardless of gender.

They tell me not to trust anyone, because the only person you can trust is yourself. I wonder if a world without trust is something worth living in at all.


  1. Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity, said Khalil Gibran ! Trust, but verify.

    Before children, even the most cynical people throw down their usual masks and become capable of feeling the purity and love which all human beings seek.

    But I'm trying not to be cynical - I don't want to be one of those people who has a cool opportunity and blows it. Have faith Aida ..

  2. "I fear losing my sense of free-spiritedness, and my ability to submerge myself in the alternate reality of the recesses of my mind."

    I share the same concern :D. No matter how much we love our work, we really need to step back once in a while, evaluate ourselves, the surroundings and change for the better. As ideal as it may seem, I guess we just have got to do it so that we can still hold on to those beautiful dreams and allow our mind to have some creative space of its own :D
